We seek to empower every inquisitive soul with the best available human resources and create conducive ambience for the entire university fraternity, faculty, students and staff in order to materialize their potential. We aim to cultivate positive ideas and nurture the young minds to develop openness of thoughts, promote student interest and innovation and provide a hub to promote unity in the diversity of India. It is our earnest desire to touch the lives of every student by inculcating sincerity, efficiency, creativity and an urge to work for the betterment of the marginalized sections of society. We attempt to kindle their sense of commitment to human values. It is our determination to develop nation leaders fully equipped with intelligence and inquisitiveness, and deeply committed to human values. The society wants us to nurture professionals and scholars of high calibre, who can offer solutions to a broad range of issues. This requires excellence in teaching and research at par with the best in the world. We serve as a platform to produce stars of the society thriving on exclusiveness, novelty and innovation
As a hub of architecturally designed marvels, laboratories equipped with sophisticated gadgets to enable research in the twenty first century, the university caters to the students needs at par with global demands. Our students form the core of our existence as an institution, and we want to give wings to their dreams.
I convey my best wishes and sincerely hope that the students will make the best use of the opportunities to become excellent professionals, entrepreneurs and great human beings. We are proud of our talented and energetic faculty who are always ready to help their students. We are here to inculcate a feeling that this campus is “Your home away from home”. I encourage students to develop overall impressive personalities in this campus by imbibing the best that the campus has to offer. I dream to see our students at the apex of success.
The National Education Policy 2020 envisions an India-centric education system that contributes directly to transforming our nation sustainably into an equitable and vibrant knowledge society by providing high-quality education to all. Dr. Harisingh Gour Sagar University is a blended model retaining Indian culture and inculcating the best of modern education making it student centric evolving itself as a Model University, rich in academics and sound in infrastructure. It is one of the finest and most impressive in the country for imparting quality education and achieving academic excellence.
Let us all join together in fostering a healthy and congenial atmosphere at the University campus and all its affiliated institutions. We invite you for your whole-hearted intellectual contribution to take this temple of learning to newer heights.
Best wishes!
Professor Neelima Gupta
Dr Harisingh Gour Sagar University
(A Central University)
Ph.: 07582-264796, FAX: 07582-264163
e-Mail: vcsagaruniversity@gmail.com , vc@dhsgsu.edu.in