Institute of Distance Education
Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar (MP)
e-Mail: , Phone No.: 07582- 297119, - 265055,
Distance Education Bureau (DEB), University Grants Commission
Consortium for Educational Communication
Old Question Papers
Old Question Papers -Inst. of Distance Education- (by mail: Disp-No. IDE/22/759,Dt.27/28-01-2022) पूर्णजानकारीहेतुसंलग्नकदेखे
Application Forms & Useful Formats:
Ordinance Prospectus & Syllabus
Ordinance and Prospectus से संबंधी - दूरवर्ती शिक्षा संस्थान-- (DispNo.IDE/21/747,Dt.30-12-2021) पूर्ण जानकारी हेतु संलग्नक देखे
Exam. Time Table &
About Institute of Distance Education:
Established in 1997-98 the Institute offers the following courses in distance education mode. The institute has no external study or extension centre.
Highlights/Special Achievements:
The institute is currently engaged in conduct of academic programs. The personal contact classes are engaged for 15 days to the students for proper guidance and exposure. Experts are invited to deliver lectures on different topics of the syllabus. Reading material prepared by the institute intends to introduce some new innovative and job oriented courses from the new academic session. Efforts are made for preparation and up gradation of reading material.
Important equipments available in the Institute:-
- Video Conferencing System.
- Computer Systems.
- Reprographic facility.
- LCD Projector.
- Video Recording System.
- Public Address System.
- Overhead Projector
- Visualizer
- Vyas Channel
- DTH System
- Resograph Machine
Institute of Distance Education
Dr. H. S. Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar
SAGAR – 470 003 (MP)
Phone no. : 07582-297119, - 265055 (office)
Mob. No. 09406916975 (विशेष परिस्थिति में)
Old Information Data / Archive:
परीक्षा – 2018 का घोषित परीक्षा परिणाम (P.M.) “दूरवर्ती शिक्षा संस्थान”-(DispNo.IDE/2019/563,Dt.04-10-2019)
परीक्षा – 2018 का घोषित परीक्षा परिणाम (P.M.) “दूरवर्ती शिक्षा संस्थान”-(DispNo.IDE/2019/563,Dt.04-10-2019)